Monday, February 13, 2012

The Writting on the Walls

We need to look at the writing on the walls. We need to realize what is going on and that God is the one who is doing the writing. He is using us to pick up the pen and the pencils to do the writing. And if God tells us to write, then we need to stop being stubborn with God and just pick up the pen and write. If we don't write it then no one will ever read it, and no one will know the truth and the blame will fall on us. How can we face judgement knowing that you could be the reason someone didn't hear the truth. Lets not go through life blaming and thinking what if. Instead let us go through life writing on the walls like the rebels we are. We shall rebel for the Lord and write the truth on the walls and preach the good message. I will not stop until the whole world hears the truth about God. That He is an awesome deliverer that sent His only beloved son to save us.

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